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20 Things so true!

1.     Random noises in the school hall that gets the class laughing !
2.     Bella: Your pale white and ice cold. I know what you are.

Edward: Say it.............. Out loud................. SAY IT.

Bella: Vanilla Ice-cream. (don’t get me wrong am a twilight fan)
3.     "Mom, will you buy me that?" "Use your own money!" "I don't want it anymore.."
4.     "Hey, are you coming to the thing tonight?" "I wasn't invited." awkward.
5.     When I was a kid I used to........... oh wait, I still do that !
6.     Get bowl. Get cereal. Get spoon. Pour cereal. Open fridge... no milk. FML !
7.     "You break it, You Buy it" NO. "I break it, I Run" ;)
8.     If I text a person in the same room as me, I stare at them till they get it.
9.     When I have money there's nothing to buy, when I don't there's EVERYTHING!
10. When you single all u see is happy couples and when you in a relationship u see is wild and free singles.
11.When I was little I used to say "a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, ELEMENO P
12.There's always that one random person you see everywhere...
13.I constantly write my name on things when im bored (:
'Like' if you do too ;)
14.1st-5th Grade: "I can't wait until were older!"
6th-7th-8th Grade: "Were so cool man!"
9th Grade: "I hate my life..."
10th Grade: "Am I a senior yet?"
11th -12th Grade: "Can I go back to kindergarten?"
15.*Drop something* *pick it up* *Drop it again* "WTF?!"
16. It's funny when people call your house number, and ask where you are ;)
17.Anne Frank would be SO pissed if she knew everyone read her diary
18. *teacher leaves the room* "HEY YOU! WHAT'S THE ANSWER FOR NUMBER 10 ?!"
19.*Mom calls your name* "Yeah?" *silence* "Yeah?!!" *silence* "YEAAHH?!!!" *silence* Wtf! *gets up to go see what she wanted*
20.The best two days of school is the first day and the last day!


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